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Store Policy

Terms and Conditions

These Terms and Conditions govern your use of the website, the terms of any purchases that you make via and your relationship with (“”, “we” or “us”). Please read them carefully as they affect your rights and liabilities under the law. By using the site and/or registering on the site, you agree to these Terms and Conditions and our Privacy and Cookies Policy.

1.1 The site is provided to you free of charge for your personal use subject to these Terms and Conditions and our Privacy Policy. By using the site you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions and our Privacy Policy.

1.2 These Terms and Conditions govern your use of the site in general, the products that you purchase on the site and all services provided in connection with them.

2.1 To register on site you must be over eighteen years of age.

2.2 You must ensure that the details provided by you on registration or at any other time are correct and complete.

3.1 When you register to use site you will be asked to create a password. You should keep this password confidential and not disclose it or share it with anyone. You will be responsible for all activities and orders that occur or are submitted under your password. If you know or suspect that someone else knows your password you should notify us by contacting customer services immediately.

3.2 If has reason to believe that there is likely to be a breach of security or misuse of the site, we may require you to change your password or we may suspend your account in accordance.

4.1 The content of site is protected by copyright, trademarks, database and other intellectual property rights. You may retrieve and display the content of the site on a computer screen, store such content in electronic form on disk (but not any server or other storage device connected to a network) or print one copy of such content for your own personal, non-commercial use, provided you keep intact all and any copyright and proprietary notices. You may not otherwise reproduce, modify, copy or distribute or use for commercial purposes any of the materials or content on the site without written permission
4.2 No license is granted to you in these Terms and Conditions to use any trademark of , or its affiliated companies.


5.1 You may not use the site for any of the purposes set out below 

  • Gaining unauthorized access to other computer systems;

  • Interfering with any other person's use or enjoyment of site;

  • Interfering or disrupting networks or websites connected to the ;

  • Making, transmitting or storing electronic copies of materials protected by copyright without the permission of the owner;

  • Transmitting material containing any form of advertising or promotion for goods and services, junk mail, chain letters or “spam”;

  • Impersonating another person;

  • Referring to specific website addresses outside of the site; or Advertising.

5.2 reserves the right to refuse to post material on site or to remove material already posted on site. You must not try to re-post material that , has refused to post on site or has previously been removed from site.

5.3 You will be responsible for all losses, costs and expenses reasonably incurred by us, all damages awarded against us by a court and all sums paid by us as a result of any settlement agreed by us arising out or in connection with:

  • Any claim by any third party that the use of site by you is defamatory, offensive or abusive, or of an obscene or pornographic nature, or is illegal or is in breach of any applicable law, regulation or code of practice; and

  • Any claim by any third party that the use of site by you infringes that third party's copyright or other intellectual property rights of whatever nature.

5.4 By submitting material you are granting a perpetual, royalty-free, non-exclusive licence to reproduce, modify, translate, make available, distribute and sublicense the material in whole or in part and in any form.


Some areas within site may contain advertising and sponsorship. Third party advertisers and sponsors are responsible for ensuring that material submitted for inclusion on site complies with relevant laws and codes. We will not be responsible for any error or inaccuracy in advertising and sponsorship material provided by third parties.

7.1 aims to offer a fault free service however If a fault occurs in the service you should report it to the customer services in the contact number shown in the website   and we will attempt to correct the fault as soon as we reasonably can.

7.2 sites may be occasionally restricting access to the site to allow for repairs, maintenance or the introduction of new facilities or services.

7.3 Some purchases made on site will also be governed by specific product terms – If you are unsure about anything related to purchasing of any product please contact customer services for further assistance.


8.1 We have taken care to describe and show products as accurately as possible. Despite this, products may vary from their descriptions, product images are for representation purposes only and may vary slightly from the actual product. If there is anything that you do not understand, or if you wish to obtain further information, please contact customer services. Descriptions/performances of products stated against each are based on the catalogue and technical literature printed by the manufacturers/agent. Therefore, the write up provided against each product is not that of and subject to change without prior notice.

8.2 If, by mistake, we have underpriced a product, we will not be liable to supply that product to you at the stated price, provided that we notify you before we despatch the product to you. In those circumstances, we will notify the correct price to you so you can decide whether or not you wish to order the product at that price. If you decide not to order a product, we will give you a full refund on any amount already paid for that product in accordance with our refund policy in paragraph 18 below.

8.3 The payment may be processed prior to dispatch of the product that you have ordered. If we have to cancel the order after we have processed the payment, the said amount will be reversed back to your credit card account. No cash disbursement shall be made under any condition whatsoever.

8.4 The price of a product does not include the delivery charge, which will depend on the delivery method you choose and will be added during checkout. 



9.1 All products advertised are subject to availability or while stocks last (as may be applicable).

9.2 We try to ensure that we always stock the full product range and will let you know if the product is out of stock. If for any reason beyond our reasonable control we are unable to supply a particular product, we will not be liable to you except to ensure that you are not charged for that product.

9.3 In the interests of all our customers, we may place restrictions on bulk buying of some products   reserves the right at our sole discretion, to limit the quantity per person, per household or per order. The said limitations may be applicable to orders placed by the same account, the same credit card and also to orders that use the same billing and/or shipping address.  will provide notification to the customer should such limits be applied.

10.1 Your order is an offer to buy from us. We will send you an order acknowledgement email detailing the products you have ordered.

10.2 Nothing that we do or say will amount to any acceptance of your offer until we send you an email notifying you of the order acknowledgment. At this point, a contract will be made between us for you to buy and us to sell the products that you have ordered from us.

10.3 After the time the contract is made, you cannot amend your order (but please see your right to cancel an order).

10.4 At any point up until the contract is made, we may decline to supply a product to you. If we decline to supply a product to you and you have already paid for it, we will give you a full refund of any amount already paid for that product in accordance with our refund policy.

11.1 Delivery will be made to the address specified when you complete the order, At point of delivery, identity verification of the Consignee by sighting either an original labour card, passport, driving license, emirates ID Free zone ID to support consignee verification, will be required by our courier partners.

11.2 Please note that we do not do international shipping.

11.3 We use a variety of delivery methods, depending on the size of the product you order. Some products are delivered directly by our supplier and the supplier will contact you to arrange delivery.

11.4 Whilst we make considerable effort to deliver all your products within 48 working hours of the date of your order, we shall not be liable if we fail to do so in part or in full due to circumstances beyond our control. We shall contact you to let you know if we are having any problems getting a product to you within that time. Supplier delivered products for areas outside of main city limits that are classed as remote or semi remote may take up to 5 working days dependent on supplier schedules. (Contact Customer Support if further information is required)


12.1 If you the customer cancel the order shall cancel the order as per your request however the online transaction charges will not be refunded the cost of delivering and re-picking charges will apply if the product has been shipped. will not be able to cancel orders that have already been shipped. has the full right to demonstrate whether an order has been shipped or not. The customer agrees not to dispute the decision made by and accept decision regarding the cancellation.

12.2 For details on how to cancel your order, please visit our returns and refunds page or contact customer support in the contact number given.

If your products arrive damaged or they are faulty, you may return them and obtain a refund or replacement product. Please visit our returns and refunds for details of how to return them and details of our replacement and refund policy.

15.1 Free gifts and promotional products that are given away in conjunction with a purchase may be despatched to you separately and delivery times may vary.

15.2 If you change your mind and return your product, you must also return any free gift or promotional product associated with the promotion and received by you as a result of that order. We may charge you a reasonable amount for the free gift if you do not return it.

We may update these Terms & Conditions from time to time and any changes will be notified to you via the e-mail address provided by you on registration or via a suitable announcement on site. The changes will apply to the use of site after we have given notice. If you do not wish to accept the new Terms and Conditions, you should not continue to use site (including purchasing any products on site). If you continue to use site after the date on which the change comes into effect, your use of site indicates your agreement to be bound by the new Terms and Conditions.

17.1 We may suspend or close your account immediately at our reasonable discretion or if you breach any of your obligations under these Terms and Conditions. You will not be able to order products on site if your account is suspended or closed.


18.1 site may provide content from other internet sites or resources and while  tries to ensure that material included on site is correct, reputable and of high quality, it cannot accept responsibility if this is not the case.   will not be responsible for any errors or omissions or for the results obtained from the use of such information or for any technical problems you may experience with site. If is informed of any inaccuracies in the material on site we will attempt to correct the inaccuracies as soon as we reasonably can.

18.2 In particular, we disclaim all liabilities in connection with the following:

18.3 If we are in breach of these Terms and Conditions, we will only be responsible for any losses that you suffer as a result to the extent that they are a foreseeable consequence to both of us at the time you order the relevant product or the time you otherwise use site.

18.4 Because we sell products for personal use only, our responsibility to you shall not include any business losses such as lost data, lost profits, lost sales or business interruption.

19.1 You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms and Conditions to any other person. We may transfer our rights under these Terms and Conditions to another business where we reasonably believe your rights will not be affected.

19.2 If you breach these Terms and Conditions and we choose to ignore this, we will still be entitled to use our rights and remedies at a later date or in any other situation where you breach these Terms and Conditions.

19.3 Neither party shall be responsible for any breach of these Terms and Conditions, caused by circumstances beyond that party's control.

19.4 Except as expressly set out in these Terms and Conditions, all use of your personal information will be made in accordance with our Privacy and Cookies Policy.

19.5 All product images are for  illustrative purposes only, packaging may vary from time to time. We reserve the right to amend these offers at any time.

If you have any queries, please contact us via telephone: +971 52 376 9402

Saturday - Thursday 8.00 AM to 5.00 PM

Friday 2.00 PM to 5.00 PM

Returns And Refunds Policy

When you buy from we want you to be happy with your purchase. So if you need to return a product, get it exchanged or refunded, we want to make it as easy as possible.

Bought from

Here is everything you need to know:
Our refund policy 
If any of our products fall below the high standard you expect, we will happily refund or exchange it according to the terms and conditions set out below.

  • is unable to procure products: a reasonable time of 7-10 days from the date of authorization has to be given.

  • Products faulty on arrival and non repairable.

  • Products are lost in deliveries.

  • Product is not repairable.

  • Refunds for products purchased under a promotional offer will be based on the terms of the promotional price. Bundle offers or “Buy 1 Get 1 free” offers: In this case you will have to return all the items in this offer.

  • Refund settlement will take place once the returned product has been received back and a quality check has taken place, this procedure normally takes 4-5 days, then 2 business days to issue the refund. Please be aware that sometimes the refund will not show on your account until the next statement cycle is issued from your bank.

  • We will refund the delivery charge in full if the product received is faulty / damaged and you return all products of your order at the same time. If you choose to keep some of the products, we will retain the balance of the delivery charge that applies to the products you keep.

  • Please keep all items with their complete packaging and inside packaging intact if you intend to refund any items within the conditions set out. No exchange or refund will be considered without it.

  • 1 Days money back Guarantee if you change your mind, provided that the merchandise is as new, in a re-sellable condition, refund can be granted upon approval within 1 days after delivery. (Exceptions apply) However the normal delivery or supplier delivery charge as well as card transaction charges will be charged back as well as any additional charges incurred by courier collection.



How to refund a product


All orders will be refunded if the product is received “Faulty / damaged” or within a 1 day period if the product is found to be Faulty (Exceptions apply) in such cases the product must be returned with all correct manuals, packaging intact and all correct cables that came with the product, if any of these are found to be incorrect then the refund will not be processed. (Contact customer services for courier uplift date)

After the 1 day window for refund of faulty products any product that becomes faulty after this period will be subject to the manufacturer's warranty, customer support can assist in directing you to a the location so that after sales service with the supplier can be arranged.(where applicable)

Any product past the initial period of refund as set out above and after the manufacturer warranty period will not be eligible for either refund or exchange.

How to exchange or replace a product
In case of an incident where a replacement product may be required again please contact the customer services team who will arrange this in line with the Terms & Conditions for replacement and/or faulty products.

Terms & Conditions

Product Period of Return

Up to 1 days

Your Consumer rights

Nothing in our returns policy affects your consumer rights.

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